TCM cupping at TCM@Novena

I have recently tried TCM cupping at TCM@Novena, Bodywork Medicare Pte Ltd, Novena Specialist Centre, and I must say this program is probably faster and cheaper than many of the other methods I have tried over the years.

With such a foodie nation like Singapore, where hotel buffets abound, where dining at hawker centres will often blow a daily calorie counter off the charts, where taking food pictures is a common interest - you seriously wonder how a Singaporean actually stays trim. So I am not surprised one is often on the lookout for some way to shed some extra kilos.

As for myself I have tried a few ways to lose weight in my lifetime, and my conclusion is, some will work, some won’t. This is fine, as long as you keep trying.

A few weight loss programs I have tried are:
TCM cupping at TCM@Novena  Bodywork Medicare Pte Ltd
Gym training with a personal trainer
Eating clean with Dr Oz 2 week rapid weight loss program
Eat stop eat program
Juice fast with Chorella
Slimming package at a slimming center

So all in all, I must have spent over $30K in my life time seeking ways to lose weight. When 2 of my friends initially started on this program, one to shed 5kg, another 8kg, I was not impressed as after hearing about the food/water program, I knew it was possible to drop the calories, and the fact they were rather slim. Only when a third friend tried it, and had shed 8kg in 2-3 weeks I decided to give this a shot. Nothing to lose (apart from kilos and cash), but everything to gain, i.e. health and vitality.

The first visit to TCM@Novena would be an explanation by the therapist (Li Ping) on what is involved in the TCM cupping program, she will tell you that it is not easy but worth it. That if you want to do her program, then follow her suggestions, otherwise don't sign up. Once you have decided to go along with the program, then you will have to go for 3 consecutive days to open your points, subsequently, it will be 1-3 times a week, each time going only if you have lost a minimum of 200g. I understand the concept of cupping which is to get rid of toxins in the body, and the food/water program is to aid the process.  The restricted food and water program is probably the most challenging, in particular the first 1 week where you are struggling with old habits. Old habits will come back time and again, and it’s the weekly cupping that helps. Hence, the therapist recommendation is to be obedient, do it faster, so the program is quickly over and done with. As it is an open concept where every female in the room is down to their undergarments, be prepared to wear your nicest undergarments when you are there for the first time. There is also a smaller room for men interested in the program. 

Food/water program:
Morning:  1 slice wholemeal bread or 1 hard boil egg
Lunch: 30% of your food intake (preferably meat)
Dinner: Fruit (choose one: half of guava, half of dragon fruit, half of apple, half a kiwi, blueberries)
Water: no more than 250ML

The TCM cupping program at Novena runs on the number of kilos you want to shed either a 3kg or 5kg package. So if you have 10kg to lose, you will sign up first for 5kg, and when it’s completed, you sign another 5kg (no hard selling involved whew!)

TCM@Novena cost for TCM program:
3kg $500
5kg $800

Exercise is not necessary, but if you can (without compromising on water intake), by all means. That to me meant window shopping in malls or biking in the gym.

Each time you go to TCM@Novena, you will only need to spend 20 minutes in therapy. Hence this weight loss program is definitely very useful for busy working professionals who hardly have the time to exercise. And also for those who don’t like to exercise! I know of so many friends who want to shed that final 3kg or 5kg, and spend years trying to do it, but now finally this can be done within a month or even less.

After you have finished the program, the therapist will close the points and you have to continue with another 2 weeks of the food/drink program, hence do factor 2 weeks in.

I have since completed 10kg in 2 months, and my thoughts after shedding the weight is that I am glad to have gone through it, the time taken and amount spent is much lesser than any of the programs I have gone through. Although, I could have done it much faster, by restricting my food intake more, I did not, and this afforded me with opportunity to still go out with friends for brunches/lunches. My challenge would be that over the weekends, I would tend to put on 200g-500g because of additional food/water intake, so I would spend a few days in the week burning it off by skipping breakfast/dinner and just sticking to lunch. It's the least ideal situation but it helps keep my sanity. The best suggestion before starting the program is to clear all your makan appointments and just concentrate on losing the weight for the next 1-3 months. 

As a result of this program, I have also begun to pack my lunches, either salmon or chicken on most days, the reason being hawker food comprises of mostly carbohydrates which don't keep you full for long. Life is also definitely much better, lighter.

6 months later...
After 3 months on the TCM program you may begin to experience more than normal hair loss, so I would suggest limiting the program to no more than 3 months, break and go back again if needed. I had stretched this far too long for about 5 months and though I did manage to loose 14.1kg, but at an expense of my hair. With the festive period, I gain some of the weight, so as much as possible keep to the same schedule of food as recommended.

1 year later...
I have put back most of the weight because I went back to my old eating habits. I would suggest anyone who wants to embark on this program, should only use it as a kick start. Thereafter, it is important to eat similar quantities of food as suggested otherwise if you go back to the old ways of eating, you will naturally put back the same amount of weight. I have seen friends of mine who have been on the same program manage to keep the weight off after a year, so it is possible, as it's all about wise food choices and portion control.

TCM@Novena, by Bodywork Medicare Pte Ltd
Location: Novena Specialist Centre #05-11 (near Velocity)
Opening hours: 11am-2pm (she may accept cases between 2pm-5.30pm, so do call first)
Opening days: Tues-Sun
Tel: 6734 1344
MRT: Novena