Happy Call Pan Recipe - Tamago

Using a Korean pan to cook Japanese Tamago egg is an interesting experiment, like the pairing of 2 major cities. I needed to clear my eggs one day and decided to try cooking Tamago using the Happy Call Pan. The result came out okay, but I had forgotten seasoning, and poured too thick between layers, so hence this requires another try. 

Tamago Recipe using Happy Call Pan
5 eggs
2 tablespoon Mirin
Pepper, salt, sugar to taste

Wipe pan with some oil. When it heats up add in a small layer of egg, when it is about to fully cook, flip half the egg to one side, and on empty side add more egg. Repeat process until egg mixture all finished. How simple is this meal! Add in some salad and this will be one simple Fusion meal cooked in under 15 minutes.